Use this helpful guide to assist you with converting the electrical connection on the end of your Cen-Tec central vacuum hose. Cen-Tec manufactures durable, versatile hoses that are convertible and can be used with either a direct connect or pig tail configuration. The style of the inlet valves installed in your home determines which type of configuration you'll need. This step-by-step conversion guide also applies to Nutone central vacuum hoses.
Remove the Cover

Insert a blunt object into the upper snap lock while pushing forward. This is best accomplished by placing the pipe on the table and placing a bending force on the wall end, (see the arrows on the picture). Do not use a sharp object, because it will not depress the tab and release it.
* do this in reverse order to put the cover back on

Depress the lower snap lock while applying force as depicted in the picture above. The cover will release and can be removed via the direction of the arrow.
Changing Connection Method

Raise the electrical connectors above the cord holder. Note which side of the cord holder wires are on, wires are always to enter this side of cord holder.

Raise the cord holder above the pipe, the same direction as removing the electrical connectors. Turn the cord holder 180 degrees and install in the opposite position, place wires so that the wires enter the correct side of the cord holder.

Place fuse in proper position, unfold wire such that the flat side of the white male pin is up

* When changing from direct to cord version, view pictures 5, 6 and 7 in reverse order. Note that you need to bend the plug over the fuse so that the fuse can be trapped underneath the plug
Return Cover to Wall End

Only attempt to place cover on if:
Wires are on the cord entry side of the cord holder
The flat side is up over the locking region of the cord holder
The plugs are flush with the top of the cord holder
Move cover into position, slowly move cover edge over wires, you may need to push wires down so the cover edge does not pull wires. See picture 9
Push cover into place, the lower snap lock should snap into place. The top snap lock is locked by using forces in the opposite direction of picture 1. Use a bending motion to force this lock into place. Wait for the "click" sound.