by Matt
23. December 2011 08:56
The New Year is a time for a fresh start to get healthier, exercise more and get organized. Start by making a list of goals, be specific. List what needs to be organized or de-cluttered. Do not feel overwhelmed; do a little at a time.
Regular exercise will keep you healthy and you will look and feel better.
Organize your closet and pack up the clothing, toys, and other items that you do not need, or use and donate to goodwill or charity. Use containers to organize items that would clutter your home.
Check your freezer and canned goods for out of date items. Throw out anything that is expired. Clean the shelves and restock by category. Have a well organized kitchen; reduce trips to the supermarket by stocking your pantry for convenience and protection against an unexpected natural disaster.
Now that you de-cluttered, organized and downsized cleaning will be easier. Carpeting lasts longer if maintained by frequent vacuuming and regular carpet cleaning. You can maintain your vacuum cleaner by remembering to change the vacuum belt at least twice a year. This will keep the brush roll working properly. Regularly change the filter, and vacuum bag. To maintain your vacuum cleaner, take it to be serviced every one or two years. To protect your investment have a professional give the vacuum a tune up.
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